:: Frequently Asked Questions ::
How do I include an image in my listing?
One image can be included with a Featured Event listing upgrade which is $5.
You can upgrade to a single Featured Event here.
After upgrading your event, EMAIL the 200 px .JPG image file to [email protected].
The image must be added by us administratively and can not be added by you online.
It must be a .jpg image file. No .pdf's or .docx files please.
Your 200 pixel image will be used as a thumbnail on the Featured Event sidebar and on the event detail page.
The SpiriPathNow starburst image above is about a 200 px image. Your image should look good at that size, i.e. not a full 8.5x11 flyer.
How long does it take to get posted on the calendar?
"Why don't I see my event on the calendar yet? I submitted it an hour ago." While the submission process appears fully automated, the approval process behind it is not!
You can usually expect to see your event listing in 24-48 hours after submitting it.
How do I get my event included in the weekly email update?
Events that are submitted by TUESDAY and are happening in the next two weeks are automatically included in the weekly email update to subscribers.
- I tried to update my subscription and it says my email address is invalid,
even though you've been sending me your calendar and emails since the beginning! What do you suggest I do? - How can I change information about our event ?
- How do I cancel an event listing?
- How do I submit an event?
- Why do you need my name and email address?
- What should I include in the title field?
- How should I format my description?
- Can I just paste in the info from my other publicity?
- How do I show a sliding scale on the cost?
- Do I have to enter every date for an ongoing group?
- Can I submit events that are outside of Eugene?
- How can my students find my class listings?
- What if I don't know the location yet?
- Why can't I leave the Location field blank?
- Why doesn't our location show up in the location name search?
If you are more of a visual learner, click here
for a step-by-step guide complete with example screenshots.
I tried to update my subscription and it says my email address is invalid, even though you've been sending me your calendar and emails since the beginning! what do you suggest I do?
The NEW CALENDAR will require a NEW SUBSCRIPTION for you to continue getting the weekly updates!"
This is a whole NEW subscription system. It is totally separate from the older www.SpiritPathNow.com/Eugene website. Whole new website, whole new subscription system.
I'm copying and pasting the updates into the old system while people are switching over but the best thing is to get your new subscription going and, once you have responded to the email verification and are getting the new weekly updates, THEN you can unsubscribe from the original one.
Click on the 'Submit' link in the menu bar, or on the first 'Submit Free Event Listing' big orange button at the top or bottom of the event browse listings. Provide your event contact info, event details, description, date(s), time, and select event categories to help folks find it when they search, put in the location and click 'Submit Event'
How can I change information about our event?
Unfortunately, events can't be edited or revised once they are submitted. Submit a new event with the updated information.
Use the 'Message to Administration' field and tell us to "DELETE THE OLD EVENT." Include the original event DATE, TITLE and DESCRIPTION so that we can find the the old event and delete it.
Include "Corrected Event Info" or "New Date" in your new event title.
How do I cancel an event listing?
Send an email to calendar(at)spiritpathnow.com with the event DATE, TIME, TITLE, and PRESENTER so that we can find the correct event to delete.
Why do you need my name and email address?
To send you a confirmation email that we received your event and to follow-up if we had any questions about your listing. When you submit an event we do not add your name or email address to any mailing list.
What should I include in the title field?
YOUR TITLE MAY BE UP TO 150 CHARACTERS ~ FEEL FREE TO USE IT ALL! (But please don't 'SHOUT'! All-cap text will be edited to upper and lower case before publishing.)
Include the presenter's name after the title. Include a 'tag line' or subtitle if you have one. It's also good to include brief info like "6-wk class" or "Free Intro" or "video/discussion" right in the title line.
How should I format my description?
The first few lines of your 'Description' will be shown as a snippet under your title in our event browse pages. Use your first paragraph to give readers a teaser about your event to pique their interest beyond just the title. You can include the logistic details below that.
It looks best if your first paragraph is 'left justified' and if you don't skip any lines. That way the 'snippet' under your title in the event browse listings doesn't have any 'blank' spaces in it.
a name="paste">Can I just paste in the info from my other publicity?
Yes. You can even paste in text formatted in Word and, by clicking on the icon with the "W" it should hold its formatting.
How do I show a sliding scale on the cost?
There is a separate 'Cost' field where you can enter anything, text or numbers, so you can specify your cost options there. However, it is not a 'required' field. You can leave it blank if you have that info already in your description.
Do I have to enter every date for an ongoing group?
No. There are a wide number of options for recurring events including multiple days, weekly options, specific weeks of the month, etc...
IMPORTANT: Set the 'End Date' for your ongoing events for when you know there is a break from the usual meeting days (i.e. holiday). Then submit a new recurring event for when meetings resume.
Can I submit events that are outside of Eugene?
YES, we now can cover events throughout the Pacific Northwest. The city where your event will be happening will be included right after your title.
How can my students find my class listings?
"Search SPN by Keywords" Readers can type in the specific type of class they are looking for, or search for an individual teacher. The results are fast and helpful.
Additionally, subscribers to our weekly updates for events happening in the next two weeks can now tailor their subscriptions to specific areas or types of events.
What if I don't know the location yet?
Type in "TBA" in the 'NAME' field of the location section.
Why can't I leave the Location field blank?
You can type anything into the Location 'Name' field but it cannot be left blank.
- Private Home ~ Call for directions.
- Directions given upon registration.
- See description for location.
- Happening Rain or Shine!
Why doesn't our location show up in the location 'Name Search'?
Administrators have to add locations to the name search function. We will be expanding to this as we go.